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Lessons for birth and wellness practitioners to learn about using circadian and quantum biology to support the birthing year.
Community event updates from Nikko and Brighter Days, Darker Nights.
Occasional updates and intention-setting messages from Nikko 🧑
Learn how to optimize circadian rhythms for powerful pregnancy, transcendental childbirth, and resilient postpartum.
Circadian-optimized living through the birthing years, with a quantum spin on health & wellness through these delicate stages of life.
Phototherapy treatment for newborn jaundice is the number one reason babies are separated from mothers after birth. Not only does this interrupt bonding, but the phototherapy itself is coming to light as carrying serious risks for babies in the short- and long-term. Additionally, redox statusβ€”the baby’s level of oxidative stressβ€”is coming to light as a key factor in physiological newborn jaundice. Are you ready to expand your understanding of newborn jaundiceβ€”and how we could improve the care we offer for it? You are in the right place!
Information about my class in the Sacred Birth certificate program by Indie Birth Mystery School.
Real food recipes for optimal nutrition to support your family’s circadian and quantum lifestyle.
Evidence-based support strategies for optimizing the health of the blood and avoiding or mitigating the different types of anemias. This is not medical advice. If you have an anemia diagnosis, you should review this material with your qualified medical provider.
Extra support, discussion, accountability, and opportunities for participation for Quantum Tier subscribers! Thank you for being a part of our growing community!
Extra presence, attention, discussion and opportunities for personalized support for paid subscribers. Thank you for being part of the community!
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