I’m about to be on vacation in Florida and I found this not only incredibly informative, but as a fair skinned person I’m going to be applying some of this to my life

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Fascinating! You mention melanin regulating copper/zinc in the body. I’d always heard grey hair meant a deficiency of copper, so now I’m wondering if melanin is a link that was missing in the grey hair/copper conversation. Get more copper and a tan and perhaps have less grey hair?

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Jul 17Liked by Nikko Kennedy

Really enjoyed this read! I have always been drawn to exposing my skin to the sun as a way of warming - I often feel like a flower turning to the rays. But, can also immediately feel if the sun is too much for me and look for cooler, shader places. I’m of Sicilian and Irish ancestry and feel as though the Italian skin I’ve inherited makes me a three. Thank you for sharing!

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Absolutely fascinating read, I’m really enjoying your posts.

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