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Replay: The Surprising Good News About Sleep Interruptions in Motherhood (Oct. 18, 2023)

Evidence-based circadian strategies for feeling great around the clock in pregnancy and motherhood

Sleep patterns change in the different phases of motherhood. Watch this live class to learn what kind of sleep to expect in each stage of pregnancy, as well as circadian routines that can harmonize these experiences. Sleep does not have to be a problem, even while pregnant or with a new baby! Come away from this event with evidence-based strategies for feeling great around the clock in pregnancy and motherhood.


  • Expected sleep patterns change across the 4 trimesters of pregnancy

    • Sleep disruptions in the first trimester are associated with perinatal mood disorders1

    • … but a lack of sleep disruptions in the 3rd trimester is associated with adverse outcomes for babies2

    • Surprisingly, postpartum depression may also be associated with fewer night wakings than normal3

  • Light controls sleep patterns; under longer darkness, human sleep becomes polyphasic4

  • It is possible to optimize a polyphasic sleep rhythm to avoid circadian disruption and experience better mood and performance outcomes5

  • Pineal mel…

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