I love this so much ! We are also officially moving to spending many more hours a day outside in the grass as well as by the sea (and inside of if soon!) I have been increasing my little babes sun exposure more and more and try to get outside as soon as he’s up for the day! He has the sweetest little golden tan already from our walks and plays outside.

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Oooh, beautiful! I love to see a sun-kissed baby. It’s so good for their development 🧡

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Jun 12Liked by Nikko Kennedy

Love this! We start each day with grounding, greeting the Sun, gratitude, and some isotonic water I make from diluted sole that I leave outside overnight. Really focusing on hydration these days! As the season shifted I noticed really wanting to spend longer outside at sunrise than our usual 20 minutes — which I’m still finding the balance in, because I also want to prioritize getting a big animal protein breakfast in soon after getting up! As soon as breakfast is ready we’re right back outside to eat it, which is usually right around when UVA is appearing this time of year. Then we go on a little meandering walk on the land with our half pitt / half husky rescue, Grimnir. But our meanders are a little shorter this time of year, because there’s always so much to do that we just want to jump into it. My husband and I have both moved our “offices” (laptops) outside; his is a little converted shed outside with the windows and door open all day and mine is sitting in a hammock we hung up this season where I can set up a little table for my laptop and put my bare feet on the ground and do my computer work in the dappled shade of the junipers! Also have really enjoyed movement being farm work and tending to the land. As soon as the weather warmed up I noticed a big shift away from the amount of food I wanted to eat, especially the amount of fat, and craving more produce, which of course makes perfect sense! Getting to bed later than I feel like I’m “supposed” to in this season but trying to let it be.

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Sounds absolutely idyllic! Doggie walks (Grimnir is an awesome name), tending the land, and work from home!? Amazing. Also, I think it’s normal and healthy to go to bed later this time of year, and then have a nap mid-afternoon (siesta!)—we are doing that, too ☺️ And I also go back and forth between sunlight-needs and breakfast-needs. Do you have a favorite meal-prep or cooking strategy that’s working to support the balance?

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Jun 12Liked by Nikko Kennedy

For breakfast we just keep it super simple, some variation of meat, eggs, cheese so it doesn’t take too long to cook! The routine for the rest of the day has been whatever I made for dinner is lunch the next day which really frees up time in the middle of the day when we’re working! 😃

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Awesome! I’m trying to get better at cooking more at once—if I can I like to cook lunch at the same time as breakfast so I guess I agree with you lunch is better if it’s somewhat pre-made. Ideally for me, dinner leftovers + eggs would be breakfast. But with there being 6 of us in the family now, I am still figuring out how to cook enough for that to be a reality! Oftentimes, it really all gets gobbled up, especially now that even the youngest baby is starting to go after table food 👶🥩

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