Have questions about designing a circadian-effective lifestyle? This is your chance! By reader request, I am now hosting live office hours. To start, I am going to try hosting on a bi-weekly basis (starting today!). These office hours will be occasions for you to ask questions and share your own experiences and knowledge. For now, I plan to host office hours every two weeks on Wednesday from 12:00 - 1:00 PM Pacific (3:00 - 4:00 PM Eastern).
Welcome to the first Office Hours for Brighter Days, Darker Nights!
I’ve invited you and all subscribers to this discussion thread today. If you would like to take part, add your question in the thread by leaving a comment.
Note: you will need to be logged in with the same email as you are subscribed to my publication with for this to work.
Once you post your question as a comment, your fellow readers and I will do our best to share our knowledge and tips. If you see a question and have something to say, hit the reply button on that comment to share your thoughts.
I myself will be here live for the next hour (12-1 pm Pacific / 3-4 pm Eastern). Even though I'll have to sign off at 1 pm, you are welcome to stay after the hour to keep chatting.
Here’s a link to this week’s post to kick off today’s discussion around circadian rhythms. This week, I wrote especially how smart solar exposure fits in to the picture and how the app dminder:
In case you missed it. A few weeks ago I shared “A New Paradigm for Mental Disorders” about circadian entropy. These new insights came from a 2022 paper from the University of California.
If you have general questions or feedback about this publication, you’re still in the right place. Leave a comment in this thread to get your question answered.
Note: non-subscribers can read, but not post questions or responses. If this is you, here’s where you can sign up for a free or paid subscription so you can add your questions and comments:
And in case you are getting to this late, I’ll host office hours again in two weeks on November 2nd, 2022 and I hope to see you then!
Hey folks, I'm closing down the thread for today but I'll do this again in two weeks. Cheers!
Hi, everyone. I'm here live for the next hour for Q&A and to get to know you better. In case you miss it, I'll do this again in two weeks. Cheers!