From ecosystem to birth and back again
Frameworks can be useful, so here’s the framework I use to inform my work and how I invest my energy
Today, I am going to share a bit more about what makes me tick and what has inspired me to create this publication and all the ways it has grown. For those who have been here since the beginning—THANK YOU! And to all those who are coming in more recently, THANK YOU as well! And very much welcome. I am a multifaceted being like you, but here on this publication I am (mostly) wearing my professional hat as a perinatal quantum biology practitioner, birth and postpartum doula, and science writer. Since these things are not all that I am, I thought it might be interesting to you to see a larger view of how this fits into my life mission as a whole. How often do you revisit your life philosophy and mission? To me, as the daylight is now perceptibly lengthening and midwinter is approaching, I am finding more energy to look at things in a bigger view. I‘m feeling a lot of hope and inspiration about what this trip around the Sun may bring, and I think that’s part of the inspiration for creating this post.
I work within a nested, multi-generational and birth-centric wellness philosophy
Thank you for being interested in my work. Everything I do fits into my multigenerational, nested theory of birth-centric wellness. Here’s the current iteration of this framework and how it informs my daily choices about how I invest my energy:
A healthy ecosystems leads to
A healthy environment for humans leads to
A healthy community culture leads to
Healthy families lead to
Healthy individuals lead to
Healthy conception leads to
Healthy birth leads to
Healthy children lead to
Healthy families lead to
Healthy communities lead to
Healthy environments lead to
Healthy ecosystems!
This is my nested theory of holistic, birth-centered wellness that starts locally in the present and carries forward to all future generations and the entire World ecosystem.
Here’s what that could look like on a pragmatic level:
At the level of ecosystem, it could mean tending the home in a way that allows flora and fauna to thrive.
At the level of environment, it could mean engaging with specific, beneficial farms for food and fiber.
At the level of community culture, it could mean sharing your voice in a variety of groups around emerging issues driving cultural development in a way aligned with your own truth and philosphy.
At the level of the family, it could mean participating in family traditions or taking care of an older relative.
At the level of the individual, it could mean spending quality time with people you care about.
At the level of conception, it can mean conciously concieving babies OR other creative works (after all, babies are not the only creative endeavors humans participate in).
At the level of birth, it can mean attending the present moment with great care and attention (after all, babies are not the only creations birthed into the world).
And all this—I hope—will continue spiraling up and into the next generations who will steward humanity and the World into the distant future.
Thanks for taking the time to learn a little bit more about philosphy behind the environment-based circadian and quantum family wellness philosophy here at Brighter Days, Darker Nights.