Daily rituals for a more resilient you
This is anyone’s advice, but I wrote it especially with parents and birth workers in mind
My favorite daily rituals to thrive in a high-performance or on-call lifestyle are:
Learn a skill. Growing your capabilities will help you thrive in the long run.
Communicate with a wise partner. Relationships with competent adults will keep you sane.
Participate in a community. Your contributions to elevating a larger community will keep you whole.
Stabilize your circadian environment. As often as you can, eat only in the daytime and keep your environment in harmony with the sun—brighter and warmer in the days and cooler and darker in the nights. It’s not about when you sleep because sleep is an effect—not a cause—of rhythmicity.
Spend as much time earthing in natural environments as you can. Absorbing electrons will revitalize your cellular energy faster than anything else—3+ hours continues to reduce ever more inflammation.
Eat a high-mineral, high-DHA diet. You need your thinking capacity and reflexes to be at their best and this comes from cellular nourishment.
Work on your sun-kissed glow. Melanin is a reservoir of energy your body can call on in times of need.
Light a candle. Called to action 3 am? Get ready by candlelight instead of electric light. Speaking with someone who looks up to you? Feed their aspirations.
How do you stay fresh and ready for the day? Tell us in the chat!